Chaithya G. R.

Neurospin, CEA Saclay
Bât. 145, Gif-sur-Yvette
I am Doctral student at CEA Paris Saclay, working in the INRIA-CEA Parietal Team, with Dr Philippe CIUCIU, at Neurospin. I work on Compressed Sensing and its application to Imaging applications, particularly MRI. We strive towards obtaining higher resolution MR scans from a scan of significantly reduced scan time. My thesis is on Joint optimization of sampling and recontruction in MRI. My interests include signal processing, mathematical modeling and computer architecture. Overall I have love to learn new things and stay curious.
I like to swim, skate, paint, and play basketball and table tennis occasionally. I love to travel places and meet new people and explore new cultures and traditions. A like to do some minute hobby photography and have a keen interest in architectures of monuments from different places. I read occasionaly and binge pretty much in every vacation. Feel free to explore my interests.
Nov 19, 2020 | Started my Ph.D. at Neurospin under NUMERICS Fellowship |